Event Details

This event is scheduled at 3pm, on March 13th, in Room OC0.04. It is a small drop-in event in which participants are expected to have a general idea of what the Spring Equniox represents across different culture backgrounds. In addition, they will learn about the growing habits of small radishes as well as how to plant them. At the end, participants will get to plant their own small radish and take it home. This event is free of charge.

Planting Tutorial

Prepare the Soil

  • Add nutrient soil into a cup and pour in appropriate amount of water, the soil will expand as it absorbs water.
  • Use a wooden spoon to stir the soil until it becomes light and fluffy.

Depoly the Seeds

  • Dig 0.5cm - 1 cm deep sowing holes in the center of the pot.
  • Sprinkle 3-4 seeds into each hole and cover them with soil.
  • Gently flatten the surface.

Water and Maintain

  • Place the pots in an environment with good ventilation and a temperature around 20-30°C.
  • Observe the soil surface daily:
    • If it’s dry, spray water evenly to moisten the soil (about twice a day).

Germination and Care

  • Ideally, after 1-2 days, the seeds will germinate and take root.